Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life War

In my previous reading I said that life is about skipping death, we live in a constant war trying to survive in this life.  The question is, are you living or surviving? The answer is both, we are living while surviving because this life isn’t easy and that’s a reality nowadays.  If you want to know what is ironic, you need to look at your own life.  Life is the most ironic thing.  We are fighting for peace, we are fighting to succeed in this life, we are fighting with our thoughts, with our beliefs.  How ironic is that? Life is complicated, life is a war but, do you want to survive or just want to live?
Our battles in life are going to decide who you will be in a future.  War never ends, if we stop fighting for a second, then we are dying and we don’t want to die before completing our goals.  There are many wars in life, for example, the religious war, for us, Christians, is difficult to live in these days and one of the reasons is that there are a lot of atheist and agnostic people trying to confuse you.  We need to fight for what we want, for what we love, we need to fight for ourselves. War is everywhere, is everything, life is a war and you need to know how to fight this war.


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