Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Well, the process is over, 10 weeks of discussion and with them the issues are over. As you could see, there were discussions on various topics and they are: happiness, death, religion, world, a celebrity, education, social media, marriage, movies and war. During these weeks I was giving my point of view on each of the above topics. It was a good experience because I could expose my thoughts to the world. I hope you have been reading my blog and enjoy it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


World, God’s perfect creation. God created the world and a lot of thing for us to our delight. He created it and we enjoy it, yes, that is what we need to do, enjoy all of the beautiful things that we have out there. This is our home and our job is to take care of it. Let’s take conscience and work for a better world.

            Nowadays people are acting like nothing matters, people are living wrong. They are living but not only living, they are destroying the world, destroying their home. It is clear that the world has been declining gradually and all is due to the mismanagement that we are giving to it. People need to take conscience because how are we going to end if we still living like nothing matters?  We need to educate people and work for a better world, for a world plenty of peace.

Friday, November 7, 2014


According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, education is: “the action or process of teaching someone especially in a school, college or university.” Education is something that we all need to have in our life. It is very important to educate people in life because if not, how can they survive in this world? In a country there are three important pillars and I compare them with a triangle. Those pillars are education, government and economy. Now I’m going to explain better my point of view.

A country can’t function without education, economy and government. But the education is the most important thing we need to have in a country because education is the basis of all. Without education we can’t have people on the government and neither people able to educate them. We need to educate ourselves to educate others. How can we have a good government that can manage the economy of a country if we don’t have educated people? That’s why I said that the triangle must be complete, because if you are missing any point there will be no balance and this would cause a bad operation in the country.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


There are two big problems with movies. One of them is that movies can be good like they can be bad. People don't see that but movies have a lot of power and impact over society. Like I said before, that impact can be good or bad, it's all relative. I think that the directors need to be so careful when they do a movie because there are a lot of people crazy in this world. For example, an action movie can expose how to break down the USA defense (it's an example only), we know its a movie but out there exists people that can take the ideas and try to do what they see in the movie. 
The second problem is that people are too fan and only see what they have in front of them. There are a lot of work to do on a movie project. There are producers, directors, screenwriters, cameramen, designers etc. There are a lot of people that need to do a very good job for a long time to make a good movie. It isn't all about actors like people think. Actors do they work but behind that like I said before are too much work and people don't know that. People need to see further. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

A Celebrity: Carles Puyol

This week the theme is “A Celebrity” and I’m going to talk about my favorite soccer player, Carles Puyol. His full name is Carles Puyol Saforcada, he was born in Pobla de Segur, Spain on April 13, 1978. His nickname is “Tiburon”, he played on the defense and his number was number 5. When Puyol signed with Barcelona B in 1995 he started his schooling at La Masia, the club’s academy and debuted with FC Barcelona pro on October 2, 1999 under Coach Louis van Gaal and with the national team (Spain) in 2000 under Coach Jose Antonio Camacho. He was very intelligent playing on the field and able to anticipate the plays, due to that he became one of the most skilled and important defenders on Europe.

Carles Puyol is retired now but a real Barca’s fan is never going to forget him. He was the Barcelona’s captain, also he was the captain of the national team of Spain. Puyol got almost forty injuries but those injuries never stopped him. He won 21 major titles with FC Barcelona and scored 18 goals in 593 games with FC Barcelona team. Puyol said: “After my last two major operations, I find it is taking me a lot of effort to reach the level required here, even more of an effort than myself and the surgeons thought necessary. That's the reason I have reached this decision.” That decision he’s talking about is the decision of retirement from professional soccer. It’s hard to realize that he is leaving professional soccer because seeing him playing was amazing but every player gets old and need to retire so this years that Puyol played were days of glory for professional football.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Media means mass of communication. Media is everywhere, the most common communication channels are TV, internet, news, radio, commercials and newspaper. Thanks to media we know all the things that is happening in the world. But nowadays we have been experiencing some troubles with media. Media is good but… is it good at all?

            I’m going to focus on the problem that the society don’t see at all. Media is trying to blind us, the corporations are trying to take control over the world. Media is controlling us and people don’t know yet. They want us to believe only what they tell us and only that. They don’t want us to open our eyes and see the reality, they won’t let us open our minds to go beyond of what’s in front of us and surely they don’t want us to raise our voices and speak our opinions. But, do we want to continue like this? I don’t, let’s open our eyes and minds to go beyond from what the media wants us to believe.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Marriage, more than a paper?

Let's start with the fact that not everyone believes in marriage. Some people say that they don't need a paper to say that they love each other and that's why they don't believe in it. Those people think that they don't need to prove to the government or church that they are in love. If that is what they state, they are saying that marriage is just a piece of paper. Marriage is more than just a paper and now I'll tell you why. 

In my opinion, getting to marriage is a life goal as to others. Finding that person that will spend the rest of your life by your side. Don't you think it would be nice to have someone by your side to love, consent, take care of and trust? Marriage is important, it makes you love someone you get to share your goals. Marriage is more than just a piece of paper, it's much, much more.